M a n d a l a


C o m m u n i t y

d a n c e

R i t u a l

If you dare this crooked path

prepare for landslides, lightning,

ravenous beasts, sneaker waves,

raven disguised as people,

people disguised as raven,

soulweavers, dreamlisteners,

ceremonies from the holy Earth,

stars landing in your cupped hands,

and the most amazing views.

When the trail disappears,

as it does — often — remember

our teacher who said:

you make the trail by walking.

Farther down this tangled trail

love will crack the guardhouse

of your heart until you wail

with Earth’s pain — or weep

with the ecstasy of angels.

If you want searing aliveness

there is no safe route.

There is no safety.

You don’t believe it.

See for yourself.

Just around the bend, past

the bog if you’re not sucked in

turn into the darkest tangle.

Follow the barely heard call.

Sometimes it will seem

the singer is beside you —

or ahead — or behind

— or inside.

Keep going.

- Geneen Marie Haugen